
Interview With The Vampire (1994)

DVD Cover (Warner Brother)
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Overall Rating 72%
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Ranked #566
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Against the backdrop of a gloomy San Francisco, the nearly two-century-old vampire, Louis de Pointe du Lac, recounts the unbelievable story of his eternal transformation and a life worse than death to the skeptic reporter, Daniel Molloy. Spanning two hundred years of cruel betrayals, extreme solitude, and unquenched thirst, Louis' grimly fascinating tale pivots around his perpetually regrettable decision to embrace the dictatorship of blood, and, above all, his maker: the seductive blonde aristocrat of death, Lestat de Lioncourt. Is Louis' mystical epic of bloodshed genuine? Is this, indeed, an interview with a vampire? --IMDb
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Review by Chad
Added: February 4, 2004
Very nice movie. It was pretty slow-paced throughout, but never really got boring. The storyline was great, and some suprisingly decent acting from Pitt / Cruise / Banderas. The few major gore scenes were excellently done, as were the effects. And as side-note, the river that Pitt was dumped into around the beginning is just outside of Shreveport, LA, which I've been to.... score for me.

Suppose an 8/10 will do it for this one.
StandinOnAnOverpass #1: StandinOnAnOverpass - added August 15, 2004 at 8:11pm
I love this movie.
blasphemous girl #2: blasphemous girl - added April 15, 2005 at 11:58pm
oh merciful death.. how you love your precious guilt..

one of my favorite movies.. and books.
Ginose #3: Ginose - added September 12, 2005 at 9:10pm
The book rocked so much harder...
. #4: . - added September 13, 2005 at 8:50pm
Kirsten Dunst is the most annoying thing ever. Never managed to get through the book without beind bored stiff halfway through.
bluemeanie #5: bluemeanie - added October 18, 2005 at 9:49pm
The art direction and production design are what you most remember from this film. Certainly not Tom Cruise's over-the-top Lestat or Brad Pitt's painfully dreadful Louie. The only bright spot, acting wise, I can remember is from the underrated Stephen Rea in a wonderful supporting performance. 6/10.
Ginose #6: Ginose - added December 26, 2005 at 10:28pm
this movie was so damn slow I fell asleep... any horror movie that can't keep me awake sucks... And so far no review has convinced me to watch this thing again... 1/10. Vampire movies continue to grow sucky-er.
Dametria #7: Dametria - added April 24, 2007 at 11:18am
This used to be my favorite movie. I know most of the script by heart. Not my favorite anymore because some better stuff came along but that doent make this movie any less visually stunning. Not really SCARY but most vampire films ARENT.
Kezia Vadimas #8: Kezia Vadimas - added July 15, 2008 at 8:11pm
Tom Cruise made Lestat even more gay than Anne Rice did and the best parts of the story were left out. I did like the end though, for two reasons, one it was over and the other it was funny. Brad Pitt was lovely to look at as Louis, but boring and his voice droned on and on. This one goes in the crap pile never to be watched again.

Favorite quote:
"I want some more!"
BuryMeAlive #9: BuryMeAlive - added September 25, 2011 at 11:21am
Probably the laziest review on the site... As for the movie, it is slow-paced, still the acting is good and so on. Nothing great, but not bad at all. 5/10
Crispy #10: Crispy - added September 25, 2011 at 7:35pm
Wasn't a review for the site. Learn your history or shut your mouf, foo.
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