
WWF: TLC: Tables Ladders Chairs (2000)

DVD Cover (WWE Home Video)
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Overall Rating 63%
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Connections: Wrestling: WWE

Hardy Boyz, Dudleyz and Edge & Christian have raised the bar on tag team matches to new heights. Their ladder matches are already the stuff of legend, and they've never met a table they didn't break. If you like over-the-top action and high-flyin' excitement, this show is for you. --TMDb
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Review by Chad
Added: May 9, 2006
In recent years, WWE has done an excellent job of putting together countless documentaries on all of the various aspects of professional wrestling. Whether you look at their best-selling look at ECW or the discs centered around a particular superstar, the material that they have been putting out lately has been superb. However, this wasn't always the case. During the late-nineties, wrestling received an explosion in popularity thanks to guys like "Stone Cold" Steve Austin, The Rock, Mankind, and yes, The Hardy Boyz. For the first time in its many, many years of existence, professional wrestling had hit the mainstream. Sure, you could say that it was popular during the eighties what with Hulk Hogan and the MTV crossovers, but the nineties saw an absolute explosion in the mainstream acceptance of the "sport" that hadn't been seen before or since. During this time, wrestling-related merchandise was flying off the shelves as fans purchased just about anything with the (then) WWF logo on it, and as such, we saw a lot of crappy material to cash in on said popularity. This is one of those products.

The TLC match was an extremely barbaric match which allowed the use of tables, ladders, and chairs (hence, "TLC"). The match was made famous by three tag-teams who performed in the first couple of exhibitions: Edge & Christian, The Dudleyz, and The Hardy Boyz (yes, the WWF loved their z's). Others have performed in them since, but these three teams are synonymous with the match. These matches were hell on the performers' bodies; say what you will about wrestling being "fake", but it's pretty difficult to fake some of the things they did. Sure, the outcome of the matches were predetermined, but there's no smoke or mirrors involved when a guy falls off a twenty-foot ladder onto a cement floor which is covered only by two inches of hard rubber.

Now then, the documentary at hand features interviews with the six men mentioned above, as well as giving a small history lesson about the match and the guys involved. However, if you're expecting a history lesson along the lines of those found in recent releases, you're going to be sorely disappointed, as almost everything presented on this side of things is storyline-oriented. You'll find out how The Dudleyz are actually brothers, and you'll hear all about how they enjoy putting people through tables and plan to become the best team in wrestling history. This sort of material is acceptable on television, as it's necessary to build up the characters and whatnot; however, this is not the sort of thing that I want to watch in a so-called documentary.

Adding to the problems of this release is the fact that it runs for a grand total of fifty-five minutes, and even though the subject at hand is this particular type of match, there are no full matches included on the disc. There are highlights from them sprinkled throughout the documentary, but there will be no reliving history for those of you want to see them in their entirety. Each of the six men comment on these highlights as we watch them, but there's really nothing of interest to be found here. We find out things like "that really hurt" and "he broke one of my teeth with that one". Insightful commentary on the action at hand, this is not.

Wrestling was at its peak in the nineties, and it seemed like Vince McMahon (the owner) could do no wrong during this period. The eighties and early nineties saw wrestling that was geared towards nine-year-olds, while the product today has become nothing more than a reality show with the occasional match thrown in. For a time there, however, they got things right... and watching this disc brings back some good memories of a time when you were guaranteed an entertaining two hours of television every Monday night. Sadly, those memories are the only thing that this disc offers. 3/10.
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