Movie Connections > Oira Sukeban
I Am Sukeban I Am Sukeban (1992)
It is a comedy with several erotic touches, where the protagonist Banji Suke (or Sukeban) has to disguise himself as a girl in order to be able to attend an all-female school to try and clear his name after being left the blame for the chaos all over town, while unaware that...


Delinquent In Drag Delinquent In Drag (1992)
Banji is a male juvenile delinquent who goes to an all girl's school and he also happens to be a pervert, his chromosomes also don't match. But Banji's parents want him to go to a good school but don't want to spend the money to go to a co-ed school. Now, in addition to...


Sukeban Boy Sukeban Boy (2006)
A raucous teen boy with a feminine face is teased everywhere, so his odd biker father dresses him as a girl and sends him to an all-girl school. The lad introduces himself as Sukeban, and a classmate, Michiko, takes him to after-school activities. Lessons on humility turn...


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